Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am venting today. (because today offically sucks)
I absoulutly LOATH my job. People do NOT tip as well as they should which makes me upset and my tables can probably tell and that prolly takes away from my tip too. Seriously people have been leaving 10 percent or less unless their bill is under 20 then people leave like 20 percent but big deal 4 dollars per table that stay there for an hour and I work about 6 to 7 hours... lets just say it's not too fabulous to be a waitress in utah right now. I should be thankful that I even have a job and I am pretty grateful, but the way I make my money is with tips and people are not even being fair. It's miserable at work.
I miss him so much. It is positively miserable being without him at all. I am ready to go to Vegas and elope. Just so I can spend more time with him instead of being without him. I know for a fact that I can only be with him for the rest of my life because I have NEVER EVER been this upset about being away from anyone. Even with my own parents I don't get this feeling of empty aloneness. It literally breaks my heart just thinking that I don't get to fall asleep with him, or even not get to talk to him at night. (ps i'm sorry if you think i'm just being a whiny baby about this but I have literally never been so alone in my whole life, I love him. what can i say?) I know I'm being a baby and I know I can be tougher than this, I'll be ok, I just need to get out of my apartment..... which leads me to,
My roommates are all gone. Chelsee and Asumi are still home, but I haven't seen hide or hair of either of them. I am very very VERY alone. I miss erkle and denise and becca. I wish they would come home and play games with me and dance in the halls with me. I think that would help my mind not be so sad about my David being so far away.
I have a lot of bills and they're not getting paid because people aren't tipping me well at work. Which is not good because I might be getting married sooner rather than later and I need to pay for a ring and ... well I dunno what else we are going to be doing but. We will see.
Anyways my day sucked cause I had to work, and I have to go to work, I didn't get to talk to my Davey today, (not alot anyways and my hell do I miss this kid so much or what) I did get to see my future family in law for his older sisters birthday, which was nice to see them and talk wedding stuff. I went home and talked to my Mom, now I'm back in my most lonely of apartments. I have work tomorrow morning and double shift thursday. (BLAHHHHH)
Everyone needs a venting blog. I hope I didn't irritate those of you reading to death.

save me by alter bridge ... does this need an explination???

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