Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For a pessimist I'm pretty optomistic

I am going to marry the man of my dreams. BE JEALOUS. So since I don't get to talk to him for about 2 weeks... I decided to write a blog about him (like I don't do that all the time anyways. This is different.) I want to tell everyone why he is perfect for me, and don't worry nothing too mushy... its semi-sweet. (Just how I like it)

Reason 1: This boy can make me laugh so hard I almost pee my pants. Not cause he tickles me or does stupid annoying things like that (ok sometimes he does do that kind of stuff) But it's not annoying to me in the least. He can just keep me laughing for hours and hours, and I miss that the most when he is gone. The marine corps puts him in a bad mood sometimes and I don't get to hear his laugh as much when it's been a shitty marine corps day. I do know how to get him to laugh back though, and THAT my friends is the reason he has kept me interested in his goofy self all these long years. Even when I just am texting him he will say something so funny that I can almost picture him saying it and laugh out loud to a text message. Yep, he is just that good.

Reason 2: I know most women LOOOVE to be romanced and all that girly stuff. I am not a traditional girl who needs flowers on her doorstep and I am pretty practical when it comes to things like this. Dave is SEMI sweet. He know's what to say to me to make me feel so special without being overboard with it. (EXAMPLE: you are the moon, the sun, the starlit sky. Without you I'd dwell in darkness.) DAVEY does not do this and I LOVE THIS ABOUT HIM. We are both pretty practical about things and we know we're in love, we don't need all the sweetness... just enough. =)

Reason 3: Ummmm have you SEEN my fiance. He's a hottie. The marine corps is NOT full of hot men with big massive weapons and guns and sexy tan bodies... no not at all. BUT Dave is smokin hot! I got lucky with this, I'd like him even if he gained 12.3 lbs. :) It's not all about looks but it's very nice to have a hot man in my life, so everyone can stare and be like "damn what's that crazy burnette chick doin with that hot marine?"

Reason 4: We like doing the same things. I cannot wait to go hiking and hit up Moab and go to all these fun places with him. We took the same German class and decided that one day we shall go to Germany to speak what little German we know to get us some German BIER!!! (that's German for BEER.) When in Germany YOU HAVE TO TRY BEER. It's only natural. We will also most likely go deep sea fishing while we are living in San Diego. I have been fishing before and I don't mind the fishing part as long as someone wants to bait my hook :D But I loath fish, they're to squishy and smell awful. I will not touch the fish, but knowing Dave he'll probably make me kiss it or something nasty and I'll get over it eventually.

Reason 5: We can literally talk about anything. I have known this boy for so long now, we have a lot of the same friends and have grown up living 3 blocks away for 6 years. He was in my ward so we can make fun of the old ward together. We hung out a lot and knew every person we ever dated other than eachother. And for some reason we always stayed friends, even when we broke up we would always still hang out as friends. (probably cause I still had a huge crush on the rascal, but I was too nervous to say anything to him about it.) The fact is that now that we know so much about each other, most topics are an open book. There are things I'm still getting to know about him and vice versa, but I will take the good with the bad.

Reason 6: We have similar taste in music. I blame David for most of this. I used to think that Dave was crazy for getting a tattoo of TOOL on his arm. It is his peragative though, who am I to judge what he does. He told me to listen to this song by Tool called the patient. I thought sure why not, I kind of have a huge crush on him so I will see what he likes them so much for. Anyways needless to say I am now a fan of them. Since then my taste in music has opened up to that style and I am a huge fan of APC. Which tool's lead singer is also in. Breaking Benjamin, Rob Zombie, Godsmack, and others like that we are both into. I'm just sayin next time Tool comes to concert I am going! Or A perfect circle, I'd go to them before Tool. Sorry Dave.

Reason 7: I like that we aren't the same at all. He likes nasty tang and zip Miracle whip and I love Mayo. It's kind of a joke I usually send him pictures of me flipping off the miracle whip now and he things he's going to put mayo in my socks one day. We just have these little inside jokes now. I love it.

Reason 8: He's pretty easy going. Doesn't get mad often and I honestly have never got into a fight with him. Which is good we don't have any reason to fight about anything. I know one day we'll get into a fight, but its nothing we can't calm down and talk about things later. I'm pretty easy going and I am fairly reasonable when it comes to things. There is always a compromise and picking battles is probably the key to anything. Why fight about something as stupid as what movie to get, or what carpet to put in or (i dunno what do old married couples fight about.) I just love that we're both pretty level headed that it should never be a problem with us.

Reason 9: We have some awesome families. I love his family and my family loves him. I can't speak for him but I'm pretty sure that he likes my family. If not me and my family are a package deal and he's just putting up with them for me. (I know that he likes me =D ) Both of our families are ver ver excited for us. Which is SOOOOOO good. I have dealt with past relationships that my parents don't like him and as you can tell... it didn't work out. AND with good reason.

Reason 10: He gets me. I am a total spaz at times, and he is too. I know he's just going to get wierder with the time spent with him, and I know I'll probably get crazier. (thanks mom) He know's that too, he's seen my mom first hand and we are both aware that I might get slightly crazy. He's just going to get frutier. I know this and expect him one day to push me out of bed cause I stole the blanket, Or I might really find mayo in my sock one day. I'll probably put mayo on his sammich one day just to spite him. :) We just can have fun with what we have to work with. We will just deal with out personal problems and make fun of eachother for it.

I could absolutly keep going and tell you everything I love about this kid right down to his eyelashes. I won't keep ranting though. I have a lot of inside jokes in a lot of these reasons that he will only understand and most might not. It's nice to think about these great memories that I had with him, and more to come soon.

Dave, wherever you might be right now. Know that you're on my mind and that's the way it'll be til forever and 3 days are up. Love you crazy tard nugget.

For a pessimist I'm pretty optomistic by paramore. I thought it was ironic. Like myself. :)

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Heather, I love this blog. I am so so so happy for you. You're amazing and sure do deserve this wonderful man!