Monday, January 12, 2009

Crappy Love Ballad

Ok. So I know this sounds so cliche but HOW do you KNOW you are in LOVE with someone. Especially after ONLY a couple weeks. I don't see how there is ANY WAY that could happen. How can people get married after only knowing someone for a couple weeks. Let alone think about the L word. I have decided that LOVE is not a feeling, it's an ability. Love doesn't solve problems in a marriage, doesn't tie families together for all eternity. Love comes from other things. I was talking to this guy who I mostly think its just a TARD, but he made some very VERY good points about relationships. I cant remember all of the 5 points he made but I will give you the gist.
In a relationship you need social interaction, physical, and spiritual help. For example physical is obviously a LOT of things that no one really understood at first but i caught on. Love is physical, shelter is physical, caring, food, and like helping each other with house hold chores. Also Courtesy, I mean simple please and and thank you goes a long way. Spiritual I didn't quite understand where he was going with that... maybe you could figure out something for that? And Social interaction. It doesn't mean you have to go out with friends EVERY TIME. I mean you could just go the two of you and go to a movie... and I have a very strong belief in having your own friends that you can always go out and do something with.
And ya know what, if you can do all these things for one person for the rest of your life well good for you! I hope to accomplish all of this one day. I believe any relationship can work out. But why rush things. First of all if you jump in to the marriage boat too early, here are some questions you should ask your self
"what's he like around children" "how does he want to raise his/her children" What is he like when he is angy" "what is he like during normal hours of the day just at home hanging out" "What are his vices, and are they things that are going to irritate you" "whats his family like." There are so many things to ask yourself about this thing. Cause marriage isn't just some temporary thing (at least not for me, I want to be 100 percent sure before I accept anything.)
Also What is up with people who are all sorts of IN LOVE for about ... 20 seconds then move on to the next guy like they're going to get married. Like they have been engaged like 100 times since the day they turned 16? How does that even happen? Do you think they ever really loved anyone? Do they even love themselves? I guess I shouldn't worry about other people it was just something that I never understood. But I don't understand a lot about what people are capable of doing. Examples are killing, cheating, lieing, etc.
So the best I can do is be happy with what I am doing and hope for the best. I know what I feel and I will know when I am 100 percent ready.
I feel like I have grown up so much these last couple of months, to realize what a relationship is all about and what I could do to keep it in good shape. So far I think I'm doing a good job :)

Anyways, good luck to all of you with your relationships now and in the present. I hope that what I said has help show you just a smidgen of what I have learned

Crappy Love Ballad by Angels and Airwaves
I have just recently found this band and I really LOVE this song. You should check it OUT.

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