Monday, December 15, 2008

All the small things.

I found out today... and this weekend, that I do have some really good friends that I didn't think I had. I thought all this time, I was the only one who had any compassion, and felt bad for people, and that I was the listener friend who wasn't allowed to have a bad day... to talk about anyways. With my current money situation, I am not financial stable as of right meow. Mostly with my stupid car but my friends I suppose thought it would be funny (and it was just a joke people) to start a Heather Fund (psh like I am a charaty case) But the thing is they really did... it was only a couple bucks... which added up to 50 but I was oh so grateful. I just wish I had a better way to say thank you to (brett, chris, steph, and nat) You all really shouldn't have but at the same time you have no idea how much this means to me. I am forever grateful, and I will always be there if you ever need anything! Love you guys! (as I wipe away a tear of happiness bahaha I have a LEAK dont judge me.)
Abbie and myself threw an awesome gingerbread house making party which was... awesome. I for some odd reason did not take pictures... how utterly UN CONVIENIENT! But of the gingerbread houses left here are some pictures to OOGLE at! I also picked up my guitar from my home and let Cara's husband play. He is really really good! I kind of suck and can only play like the intro to songs, or Johnny Cash songs. But I love to play it so I been pluckin away for the past couple hours. All in all I belive it was a successful brickoven party. Cause Abbie and I are the best party planners in the world... of brickoven.
(on the beach)I'm not sure who did this lovely work of art... but good job!Um this is Stephanie's hey... she tried. And she is PRETTY!
She is here... dont judge her. haha OH and I love this girl because we both LOVE the UTES, but thats all today.

All the small things by Blink 182. I dont like them very much but this song makes me think of all the small things that do matter.


Abbie said...

We are the most awesome party planners ever to grace the BO. :)

I love you Heather!!!

MeganRuth said...

that lovely one was mine. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps. i heart you alot and alot!!!